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I'm a cool person point blank I'm fun to be around and I'm good at making people smile.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What do you think your friends say to each other when your not around.

When I'm not around my friends or associates should I say I dont really have any friends but when I'm not around them they probley say "Kim crazy" or she real funny and stuff like that but I dont think they would say anything bad about me and if they do it would have to be somthing real serious because I am a very fun person to be around .Everybody always saythat Im very funny and I keep everybody happy and things of that sort,When ever sombody is feelin down I always manage to put a smile on their face so I would imagion that when I leave the room everybody would have somthing good to say about me..............


*kandie gurl* said...

~kim when you arent around we say good things about you, well atleast me and the people i hang around~

da rest is history said...

that kind of reminds me of myself because all my friends love me. I always make them laugh when they are down and i always give good advice. that lets me kno i am playin my part inbeing a good friend